HDC Work Permit Request


  1. Site Plan ( 1 copy regular size 24” x 35” or larger, and 1 copy at 8 ½” x 11”) showing:
  1. Lot dimensions.
  2. Building(s) location and dimensions
  3. Driveways, walks, fences, patios, accessory buildings, planting areas, free standing signs (if any), existing and proposed.
  4. North arrow, date and scale. 
  5. If landscape plan, show placement, number, types, species, height/spread at installation and at maturity; spacing of all plantings must be shown.
  1. Architectural drawings: showing labeled sections and elevation, north arrow, scale and date. All dimensions must be exact and not estimated. Preliminary plans are not acceptable.
  2. Original photographs of area affected (all views from the public way). Photos must be 4 x 6 prints clearly showing the building and sections to be altered.
  3. Samples, showing composition, color and texture of materials to be used.
  4. Dimensions:  must be exact and not estimated
  5. File fee:  $50.00  If a subsequent building permit is required, then the building permit fee will be waived.
  6. SIGN DEPOSIT: A refundable sign deposit of $300.00 is required at the time of application.  It is refunded upon return of the Notice of Hearing sign in good condition.
  7. Bond:  A bond in the amount determined by the Town and in a method acceptable to the Town may be required before the permit will be issued.  Call the Town Clerk to determine requirement. 
  1. NOTE:  Application must comply with Homeowners’ Association guidelines if applicable. Letter of Approval from HOA must be submitted with Historic District Work Permit application.


The material listed above along with the application fee and sign deposit is required to constitute a complete application.  Applications will be formally accepted for processing only after the staff has reviewed for completeness.  Applicants will be contacted if additional information is needed.

APPLICANTS PLEASE NOTE:  Work may not begin until after receipt of the certificate of approval, and the issuance of any required building permit.

ALSO OF NOTE:  Applicants may be eligible for historic preservation incentives or tax credits. Information is available upon request.

P.O. Box 5158
Laytonsville, MD 20882
301-869-7222 FAX

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